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[E] Mechhalo
[E] Mechhalo
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over 10 years ago
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over 4 years ago
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I am combining two land claims into one post with spoilers for each (both have the other parties approval already) Player wanting to claim: Mechhalo Current Owner of claim: GameMonger XYZ Location of claim: 670x 72y -3126 Screenshot of land: First file: LandClaim1Screenshot1.png Reasons for wanting to claim the land: It is in the area I would like to expand through. Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums) -PROVIDE PROOF-: GameMonger has not been on the server in 6 months, an is not on the forums. I messaged him on discord and linked the screenshot of him give permission of the admins transferring the land claim to me. File 3: GameMonger's Land Transfer.png Player wanting to claim: Mechhalo Current Owner of claim: Aphvn XYZ Location of claim: 689x 69y -3115 Screenshot of land: First file: LandClaim2Screenshot1.png Reasons for wanting to claim the land: It is in the area I would like to expand through. Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums) -PROVIDE PROOF-: Aphvn has not been on the server in 5 months. I messaged him on discord and linked the screenshot of him give permission of the admins transferring the land claim to me. File 4: Aphvn's Land Transfer.png
over 8 years ago
Resolved by contact with ElementDrago in-game Player wanting to claim: Mechhalo Current Owner of claim: ElementDrago XYZ Location of claim: -5604x 4076z Screenshot of land: Reasons for wanting to claim the land: I would like to build around this claim and would be willing to purchase. Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums) -PROVIDE PROOF-: ElementDrago is not on the forums when I checked 12/23/16
over 8 years ago
IGN: Mechhalo Description: (See Below) Place: None Time: None I was told to report this bug, this is not about the server/plugin. This is a Minecraft File saving bug, and will affect only those that use heavy duty iron farms that include stuffing villages into a small area. The problem comes from villages reputation of a player. For those that do not know the villagers now save your "Reputation" Quick Summary: Doing bad things or being near a villagers death with give you a bad rating, that rating is stored by village, not the whole server. For example (two villages: A and B) If you get a negative rating at Village A, then Go to Village B you will have a different rating at village B. Village B wont know that you have a bad rating at Village A. Straight from the Wiki: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Village A player's popularity starts at zero, and ranges between -30 and 10, and the following can alter a player's popularity: Popularity of Actions Action Popularity Change Trading a villager for the last offer slot on their list +1 Attacking a villager -1 Killing a villager -2 Attacking a villager child -3 Killing a village's Iron Golem -5 A player's popularity does not reset on death, and players cannot alter other players' popularity. Popularity changes only happen once, so if you attacked a villager, then brought him to a different village, you would get the -1 popularity in the first village, but not the second. Popularity is stored per village; a player may have a high popularity in one village and a very low one in another. When a player acts directly on a villager, particles around that villager will indicate the change in popularity. Conversely, because popularity is stored per village, if the entire village is destroyed, any accumulated popularity, positive or negative, is also eliminated. If a player has -15 popularity or less, iron golems of that village will become aggressive to that player. If an iron golem is idle, it may become aggressive to the nearest player with -15 or lower popularity. However, "nearest" can be any distance at all, so if the village's chunks are loaded (perhaps by another player), the golems can turn hostile even after the unpopular player has traveled across the world. If a villager dies to a non-mob, non-player source while a player is within 16 blocks, or if a monster kills a villager, then no villager in the village will mate for approximately 3 minutes. The bug comes into play when your working with many villages in a small area (as in iron golem farms). When the server restarts (Shuts Down then turns back on) the data on a players reputation is not properly saved, essentially corrupting the village file. On start up, the file cant be load (For the codes out there, it throws a nullPointError). In turn deleting the village, its location, and all the doors. So when you go back to the Iron-Far *Cough* Villages it will recreate the villages thus destroying any villages you have managed to stuff into a small area. I have not had time to test anything, but the way the game is coded it seems that you only run into this problem If you interact in any way with the villagers while creating a village, while building your farm. This includes but may not be limited to Trading with a villager Damaging/Killing any village occupants in the area Occupants Include: Villagers Village Children Iron Golems Being near by (about 16 blocks) to a villagers death This should be fixed in future updates of minecraft, but until then I suggest you either prepare to deal with the fall out of a broken Iron Farm, or wait to build one till after a fix. Last, this is the bug report sent to mojang: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-101325
over 8 years ago
use these in you /mods/ folder and use forge
over 10 years ago